Mentoring Matters Workshop – July 29, 2023


12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Light Lunch and Networking

You are welcome to arrive at 11:50 AM to chat with Roy, Liesel, and other members of The Mentoring Club community.

1:00 PM – 4:45 PM

THE PLAYER’S MIND EXECUTIVE WORKSHOP: Fix Anything Holding You Back in Silicon

Bring your insights. Open your minds to new possibilities. Work with people looking for Leadership Breakthrough Results whatever stage you are in your career and life – early, mid, or advanced career and life experience. Here’s what Roy will cover: Gain a high leverage perspective for you and your organization; Enhance your Communication skills;Learn techniques for Pitch and Influencing; Practice Executive Presence

4:45 PM – 5:00 PM

Hang Out! Closing Networking. (Optional)

Get more acquianted with people you connected with in the Workshop.

About this event

Ready to Move up? What’s your next move?

Here’s an easy move: If you only take one step this year to build Leadership Power make it The Player’s Mind Executive Workshop: Fix Anything Holding You Back in Silicon Valley.

The first time presented in Silicon Valley, based on the new book by master communications coach, Roy Terry, The Player’s Mind workshop will set you on the right path to:

  • Gain a high leverage perspective for you and your organization
  • Enhance your Communication skills
  • Learn techniques for Pitch and Influencing
  • Practice Executive Presence

Why The Player’s Mind Now?

It’s time to bring a radical, pragmatic, and comprehensive approach to executive advancement. You will learn every angle. There will be no unanswered questions.

Some questions that will be answered in the workshop:

  • Why is being irreplaceable a mistake?
  • What actually wins your boss’ approval?
  • How do you sound smart and credible with simpler words?

What benefits will you take away from your time investment in the workshop?

Immediately during and after the session, you will feel a boost of confidence on how you communicate. As you practice the disciplines uncovered in the workshop, you will know how to:

  • Pitch upwards
  • Deliver Executive Presence
  • Masterfully launch a team mission

BONUS! Roy will give away some pre-release copies of his book.

Meet Our Mentor & Silicon Valley Pitch Doctor: Roy Terry

Roy Terry coaches winning Silicon Valley players who are CEOs, VPs, and Directors. The result is success and promotions for clients at Apple, Google, Adobe, Symantec, and more. All these players advance because they gain leadership and speaking skills. Skills create advantages.

Roy is also a sought after international pitch coach helping founders gain traction and funding. Recent coaching gigs include MIT Enterprise in Tunis, RISE in Bangkok, and Google Female Founders in San Francisco. He is the author of the soon to be released book which is a masterclass for rising executives. Roy has devoted three decades toward mapping and describing what makes speaking power in Silicon Valley.

Event Recording, Refreshments, Donations, and Sponsor

This is an in-person event at The Multiverse by Code in Palo Alto, California. Some parts of this event will be photographed and recorded and the photos and recording will be used for marketing purposes. By participating in the event, you agree to be photographed and recorded at any point during the workshop.

Everyone is encouraged to donate to The Mentoring Club using Eventbrite’s Donations function when you register. Your DONATIONS will go a long way in building our capacity to sustain a robust organization supporting a global mentoring community. Thank you very much!

The Mentoring Club is grateful to The Multiverse by Code for sponsoring our venue and refreshments. We will serve light lunch, snacks, and drinks.

Located at the heart of Silicon Valley, The Multiverse is a global investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship platform with Parallel Presence (physical & virtual) in 5 thriving tech ecosystems, Silicon Valley, London, Berlin, Singapore, and Beijing.

It is a co-creation platform inviting multiple stakeholders to co-design and co-deliver unique investment, innovation, and entrepreneurship programs.

#Leadership #LeadershipDevelopment #LeadershipWorkshop #Mentoring #MentoringMatters #Happiness #Success #MeaningfulWork #MakeTheWorldBetter#PassionAndPurpose #Vision #Execution

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