Liesel had two so far. The first one brought her on a journey from the Philippines to Silicon Valley. 25 years ago. The second one brought to her a mission of changing the world one leader at a time through mentoring. Seven years ago. She founded The Mentoring Club.
Throughout this journey, she continually observes and assesses her leadership skills, making her cognizant of the skills she needs to develop, strengthen, and enhance in herself as she helps others develop, strengthen, and enhance their leadership skills.
Using an assessment called Skills for Career And Life Effectiveness® (SCALE®), she has become more self-aware, helping her navigate the varying challenges of her mission and life purpose of giving back by providing a global mentoring community for aspiring and seasoned leaders in the workforce. Her ultimate dream is as mentees become successful leaders, they will become mentors to others, and the cycle of giving back will continue without end.
The SCALE® is derived from factor analysis research of the assessment created by Darwin Nelson, Ph.D. and Gary Low, Ph.D., the Personal Skills Map® (PSM®), first published in 1978. The research behind this assessment involves hundreds of thousands of users and more than 50 Doctoral level dissertations. Liesel will relate how being aware of the 11 leadership skills measured through SCALE® has allowed her to understand herself better, improve her relationships with others, and build upon other people’s strengths to achieve mutually desired outcomes and goals.
As the journey continues, come along and discover for yourself how leadership with purpose, self-awareness, and grit is unstoppable.
Learning Objectives:
- Goals define your start and end state. (Creating the future. Reimagine.)
- Purpose creates inspiration and drive. (Building relationships. Recharge.)
- Leadership with purpose, self-awareness, and grit is unstoppable. (Achieving results. Reconnect.)